Wednesday, October 31, 2018

English: Why Fortnite sucks

Why Fortnite sucks:

1. It takes forever to get back in a game after you died. First it takes forever loading AFTER you die. WTF ist that crap? Then matchmaking takes forever, than loading again, than the lobby, then the fucking slow as fuck parachute decent.
As a Beginner you gonna get killed fast. So it's like playing one minute and watching loading screens for 5 minutes every time. FUCK YOU EPIC!

2. Someone is always faster, lower down or right on top of you. Players are dropping everywhere anytime on you with rifts launchpads etc. Go steal the GUI from Apex for Launching, you already stole so many things from Apex...

3, Every time you aim at someone you get hit from the back or above by someone you din't see. Color the fucking enemies in red or something.

4. The constant Updates suck. "I'm just gonna play a quick game" - 2,5GB Update that takes forever to install. A 247MB Update took over 20 Minutes to install!!  20 Minutes!
 I do have 200MB/s Internet and my SSD was writing with 400MB/s. So what the fuck is Fortnite doing on my System writing the whole Update a million times? Like a Disc Benchmark or what the fuck is going on here? FUCK YOU EPIC!

5. Bugs everywhere!
Like that one time where everyone got 150 instead of 10 points and leveled to 100 in one challenge. Or like the many times challenges do not record even if you stay the whole boring match after you die.
Or new vehicles that are always bugged, or explosives or the map that gets u stuck all the time.

6. Weapon Damage Bloom or whatever the fuck it is that you hit 10 and then 100 randomly. Weapons changing all the time. They introduce new ones remove old ones and sometimes bring them back. Or they just change the weapon stat or its rarity. As soon as you found your weapon, they will change it. Oh and the bloom and damage drop off is just crap. Never know if you gonna hit anything or for how much. Oh and every weapon in this game is a fire by fire type, no automatic fire at all. You have to wait 2 seconds for the fucking corsair to become small again after every shot. Oh and the corsair is of course almost invisible. The weapons all feel like crap. Even the golden Scar.

7. Epic Launcher forgets your Password from time to time just to piss you off. Yes, there is a checkbox for "remember Password" and yes from time to time Epic just doesn't care and forgets it.
I've lost an lvl 50 account that way. Oh and the same launcher steals the focus away from Fortnite when you get a friend request. You end up unable to move in the middle of a fight.

8. It takes forever to quit the fucking game. I have to watch every time as some asshole dances after sniping me from 300m  because you have to confirm and wait forever to quit this stupid ass shit game.

9. Deploying the Umbrella works sometimes. And sometimes it doesn't. I always lose height cause I double klick to deploy. The Animation is just stupid and takes forever.

10. No manual, no Training no information on anything about this game. Everything has to be tried or researched.

11. Sound is awful in this game. You hear the footsteps of your enemies or the glider or whatever but you can never tell where the fuck it comes from. Is it near? is it far? left right? No fucking clue. Sometimes footsteps are so loud you think they're near you but no they're two blocks away, then you don't hear anything and someone walks right through you.

12. The map sucks. You get stuck all the time, have to run around and up and down mountains like crazy. It's just too big and has too many possible high grounds. And the loot spawning is so random it's annoying. Just landed where 2 chests and some guns are next time around you'll find some ammo there and that's it. The map is too big and changes too often to really have a clue where the good loot is. Oh if you can reach the loot that is. The fucking supply drops always land somewhere on the side of a mountain, the chest is always in some awkward corner of some roof you can't reach.
Dying from fall damage all the time cause that edge was higher than it seemed, etc. 

13. Damage direction indicator is a joke. You always turn into the wrong direction. Just turn that shit off if your not able to make it useful.

14. Shotguns and Snipers. After you play some time ( I'm lvl 175) you only die by shotguns and snipers. They're one hit kill. Of course they're shit to use, like all Fortnite weapons, so you never know when that thing is going to shoot or how much damage it's gonna do. When I'm firing I'll always miss. Even if the enemy hasn't seen me and I'm aiming right at his head from two feet away.
Nothing that can one shot you even with full shield should be so common like the fucking shotguns in Fortnite.

15. Building sucks.
Everything about it sucks. Having to grind materials? WTF just give everyone materials from start. Then there's the build fights. WTF ist that shit? Seriously? You're one shot away from the kill and then the other starts building so you can shoot down walls for the next 5 minutes. Building sucks, you never know if that wall is going to connect or not. Have to point around forever to place a mat where you want it to.The launchpad sometimes comes with it's own wall sometimes it doesn't. Then you get stuck in other players builds or threes or some other part of the stupid ass map. Fuck everything about building. Oh and ban these assholes with their fancy mice programming building blocks onto additional buttons on the mouse. That is just unfair to casual players with regular mice.

16. No chat. WTF? They stole the Ping System from Apex but that's it. No communications with random fill people possible. Is this 2005 or something?

17. Tryhards/TTV/Pros etc. Go fuck yourselves, all of you who TRAIN hundreds of hours to play a stupid ass video game. I get the idea of competing for money but then stay out of the pub servers you ginormous no-life assholes. The skill gap is becoming inhumane and Fortnite can't do shit about it, whatever they try. This is all because of the 100 Million $ you can win with this game.

P.s. Fortnite runs on an I7 with 16 GB Ram, GTX 1070 and an SSD. I also have a 200MB/s Internet Connection.

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