Here's a list of countries with 50% or more Muslims:
- Afghanistan with 99.7%
- Albania with 58.8%
- Algeria with 99%
- Azerbaijan with 96.9%
- Bahrain with 70.2%
- Bangladesh with 90.4%
- Bosnia and Herzegovina with 50.7%
- Brunei with 78.8%
- Burkina Faso with 61.5%
- Chad with 58%
- Cocos ( Keeling ) Islands with 80%
- The Comoros with 98.3%
- Djibouti with 97%
- Egypt with 90%
- Gambia with 95.3%
- Guinea with 84.2%
- Indonesia with 87.2%
- Iran with 99.4%
- Iraq with 99%
- Jordan with 93.8%
- Kazakhstan with 70.2%
- Kosovo with 95.6%
- Kuwait with 74.1%
- Kyrgyzstan with 88.8%
- Lebanon with 54%
- Libya with 96.6%
- Malaysia with 61.4%
- Maldives with 100%
- Mali with 95%
- Mauritania with 100%
- Mayotte with 98.8%
- Morocco with 99%
- Niger with 98.3%
- Nigeria with 50%
- Oman with 85.9%
- Pakistan with 96.4%
- Palestine with 97.5%
- Qatar with 77.5%
- Saudi Arabia with 97.1%
- Senegal with 95.9%
- Sierra Leone with 71.5%
- Somalia with 98.9%
- Sudan with 97%
- Syria with 82.9%
- Tajikistan with 96.7%
- Tunisia with 99.8%
- Turkey with 98.6% — 99.8%
- Turkmenistan with 93.3%
- United Arab Emirates with 76%
- Uzbekistan with 96.5%
- Western Sahara with 99.6%
- Yemen with 99%
Here are the countries with the least Muslims:
Australia ( 2.6% ) , Austria ( 8% ) , Bhutan ( 0.1 — 0.2% ) , Brazil ( 0.1% ) , Canada ( 3.2% ) , Chile ( <0.1% ) , China ( 1.8 — 3.6% ) , France ( 8.8% ) , Germany ( 6.1% ) , India ( 14.2% ) , Ireland ( 1.4% ) , Italy ( 4.8% ) , Japan ( 0.1% ) , Nepal ( 4.2% ) , Netherlands ( 7.1% ) , New Zealand ( 0.9% ) , Sweden ( 8.1% ) , United Kingdom ( 6.3% ) , United States ( 1.1% ) .
Now why is EVERY muslim majority country a shithole and every muslim minority country is modern, civilized and prosperous?
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