Tuesday, May 22, 2018

English: Chinese democracy - or huawei vs. cisco

I was recently trying to show a youtube video I once saw to a friend. But I couldn't find it. Or was it intentionally hidden away from the public? I Dunno. But here it is, recapitulated from my messy memory, so beware:

China is still a communist state. So the people don't have a saying in what the government decides. No elections, no democracy.
(Some millenials don't seem to even know what communism is anymore so I had to state the obvious.)
But how come it's gained so much economic power and wealth for its people in the last 20 years or so?

Well they asked the head of the central communist party:

(Can't remember exactly, but my best guess is, it was on Discovery Channel around 2012.)

"How do you bring the communist philosophy in accordance with opening up the market?"

(Traditionally, communism has a planned economy, which has failed in every communist state.)

His answer was:
"We are at war."
Yeah, let that sink in for a second.
He continued:
"War can be fought on many levels and with any means necessary. We are now beating the US at their own game. Communism is superior to democracy in every way, even when it comes to economics."

So China is basically fighting an economic war against the US.
And right now, China does seem to win. They own more than half of the US's debt. Just for exporting cheap plastic trash to them. And they use that new money very wisely, investing in everything technologic and building stuff like Megacities.

Then, the video showed an example of this chinese war, Huawei vs. Cisco:
Huawei is a chinese Tech Giant. Cisco produced almost all professional Internet gear at the time.
First Huawei bought all equipment Cisco sells. The whole range. Nothing illegal in that.
Then, they reverse engineered everything, copied it, and put it way cheaper on the market than Cisco.
Cisco complained, filed lawsuites, etc. The chinese government saw this just as another little battle in their war against the US and allowed Huawei to continue to copy Cisco gear and even helped to procure Cisco equipment with the help of false companies and identities.
After some time, Huawei became perfect at copying, some time later, they improved over Cisco.
A Cisco employee described it like that:
"We are 30 People at Cisco in R&D. Huawei takes our gear, sets 100 people on it to copy it and another 1000 People to improve it. There is no way competing with these sheer numbers."

And this is their "Battle Strategy" for everything. From Smartphones to Cars.

They are at war and their enemy has no clue.

You want to sell something in China? No problem, but you have to manufacture it there. Oh, and they will steal all your manufacturing Know How.

Seriously though, if a government's role is to do what's best for it's people, they are doing everything right.
From peasant to billionaire in 20 years? Impossible in the US but happens twice a day in China.
And only a communist country can do things the way they're doing it. Too much pollution? Ok, all cars older than 12 years must be scrapped! Try that in the US...or Germany.
Look at our democracies, US, Britain, France, Germany, etc. They are all failing financially, overrun by migrants, full of social problems, civilisation diseases, negative birth rates, moral decay, etc. That is what happens when everyone, even the women, have a right to vote. Women can't even decide what to wear, never mind politics.
And now look at China. Yes, they still have some major problems like, you can't speak out against the government, etc.
But step by step, they're dealing with them in their special way. Unobstructed by opposition or the chinese people. There is a reason why there is only one Captain on a ship and no one must disobey him. Let 2 or more decide and the ship won't go anywhere and everyone starves.
I for one welcome our new chinese overlords.

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